Getting Started

Knowing the value of your practice is a critical step in order to sell your optometric practice at the highest price

Optometry Valuation
The first step is understanding the value of your practice. Sean Roffey will need certain financial documentation from within the practice and formal financial data from your accountant, a site inspection will also be needed.

Preparing for Sale
Selling a practice is like selling your home, however preparation is not just a lick of paint.
You will need to prepare you self financially, a discussion with your accountant is a must. Equipment maintenance and display areas always need attention.

Finding a Buyer
At Health Business Sales, we know that the key to getting the highest price for your practice is to maximize the number of potential buyers while representing your interests. With proprietary marketing techniques, we are able to discreetly seek out, match, and qualify buyers for your practice.

Health Business Sales takes all of the negotiation issues off your hands and we become the filter in the middle. No direct buyer contact or negotiation is done by the vendor.

Closing the deal
At Health Business Sales we pride ourselves on being there every step of the way, from appraising to settlement we are always available.


Our clients often tell us that we bring them far more buyer prospects than any other source.

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